Solar Thermal Solutions

The main use of solar Thermal panels is for water heating. They are also known as solar thermal collectors or solar hot water collectors.

Solar Thermal Panels
Control System
Water Boiler
Picture of Solar Panels

What is Solar Thermal?

Solar Thermal panels are roof mounted panels that produce hot water, also known as solar thermal collectors or solar hot water collectors. They offer a sustainable year round supply of pre-heated water to a main hot water tank in your home for all your domestic uses.

Benefits of Solar Thermal

Using solar panels to generate hot water has several benefits, including:

Lower Your Bills
Lower Bills

Reducing electricity and/or fuel bills by generating your own hot water from a renewable resource

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Reduce Carbon Footprint

Lowering your carbon footprint and reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Increase Your Property Value
Property Value

Increasing the value of your property

Achieve Energy Independence
Energy Independence

Providing energy independence and security

Additionally, the government offers grants for installing solar panel systems, and utility providers now provide rebates for your excess electricity produced, making them an increasingly attractive option for homeowners and businesses alike.

Solar Thermal Solutions from The Energy Centre

Want to know more about our Solar Thermal options? Arrange a free consultation today.

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041 980 8200


Unit 11D, Duleek Business Park, Co. Meath
